Monday, April 19, 2010


I really don't update often enough. Oh, and I'm procrastinating, so there ya have it--some things never change. So rumor has it that one of my cousins has apparently kind of mentioned that she and her husband may start trying for a baby some time in a year or so, and it made me realize something. Hearing her news made me sigh with relief that it took some of the pressure off me within my family. I get excited over the idea of having a dog even though I know it'll be years before I can, but when it comes to having a kid, the idea usually just makes me feel nauseated. Sometimes I think I'd like to have a kid some day, but then when I really think about it, and I mean like REALLY think about it, I realize that my only interest in having a kid is because the clothes are cute, and I like naming things. It's probably also telling that in a comment about children, I said I like naming THINGS. That's a sign--I need a doll, not a kid. Some would tell me all this is simply pre-parenthood paranoia, that all parents-to-be go through this phase. I think it's just the self-awareness to realize that I'm better off living vicariously through other people's children...and that I should get a Great Dane. She shall wear a tutu, and I shall name her Allegra Pandora Eugenia Sophia. Just a thought...
Oh, and all this kids thinking sounded too familiar, so I wasn't sure if I had posted something similar before. This led me to checking out my old blog posts. Do you ever go back and read your old posts and think to yourself, "My GAWD! I. AM. HILARIOUS." or is that just a me thing? Really though--I'm a hoot.

1 comment:

  1. and so modest too. hahaa

    p.s. have a'd be HILARIOUS. LOVE YOU :)


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