Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Yesterday was my birthday. As a general rule, I hate my birthday because it's so close to Christmas that I rarely get to have any form of get-together because everyone already has so much going on. I think my new rule is going to be to always be away on my birthday because a) I don't wind up taking it personally and having hurt feelings that so few people are present to celebrate my old age with me, and b) well, it just sounds fun. And yesterday was exactly that, fun. The day was actually pretty mundane; I just sat around the hotel room bored because it was pouring, so I did the Times puzzles, watched WifeSwap USA (guilty pleasure--stop judging me), and got highly excited when Ric showed up with some Mickey D's for lunch. I may not have had a birthday cake, but the McDonald's over here has a "Festive Menu" for the holidays, so instead of cake, I had a special edition McFlurry, and I'm kind of happier about that anyway. More hanging around the hotel room, then once Ric got back from work, we went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. You guys know my obsession with Mexican food and, while I felt pretty guilty to be cheating on El C, I have to admit that the food wasn't bad and the margaritas were POTENT. They don't do that whole watering them down with sour mix thing over here. Ohhhhh no. About half way through the pitcher (which I was sharing with Ric, and it wasn't a huge pitcher or anything, so we're talkin' like one big American margarita in), I was grinning like an idiot, giggling, and singing Harry Belafonte's "Banana Boat" loud enough to elicit a rather large "you're such a dumb ass" grin from the bartender. Afterward, we roamed around town for a good bit to sober up, did a good bit of window shopping (the only kind of shopping you can do here after about 8), then headed back to the hotel to watch CSI episodes from last season. All in all, not too bad a birthday if I do say so myself! And I do, which is why I said it...I've never really understood that expression.

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