Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Night Teri Came To Town

Okay, so officially, there are three glaring consistencies in my blog: my friends and I drink a lot, Mandy falls a lot, and Vincent is a crazy person.  That being the case, I would be remiss to not blog about a night a while ago when these three facts came together in a maelstrom of mayhem.  Somebody cue the doom music because it was one of THOSE nights.  Also, to alleviate some confusion, you should be forewarned that Vincent had gotten rid of the crazy beard and long hair.  Anyway....

It all started when a certain beloved and missed Teri came into town.  Teri bailed out on us to live in the Virgin Islands a few years ago, which I really don't understand because, obviously, Columbus is totally comparable to beaches, beautiful sunsets, and boozin' it up in Paradise year round.  If you're reading this, and I'm assuming you are (because otherwise you've psychically channeled my thought process, and that's just scary, so cut that shit out), pause to glare at Teri for a moment.  Okay.  I feel better now.  AAAANYWAY, Teri was in town for the first time since forever, so we went downtown to celebrate.

It was all the normal fun and games until Rachel showed up.  Now normally when Rachel shows up, she starts buying massive rounds of Jaeger, everyone gets trashed, and we all hate her the next day because odds are good you don't remember what you did, and you can't figure out whose shirt you're wearing or why there's a new entry in your cell phone labeled "Tasty Zebra Balls."  As crazy as that can get, I'm prepared for that.  I wasn't prepared for Rachel to say she wasn't going to drink that night.  At all.  Personally, I believe this defies nature, kind of like gravity saying, "Oh, I'll just be taking the day off.  Float around at your leisure!"  Therefore, I blame Rachel.  For what, you ask?  Well, for starters, I blame her for the creepy guy hitting on Ric.  He started out as mildly irritating but somewhat humorous, so we tolerated him for a while.  Then mildly irritating turned into worthy of being shot with a bazooka, and Rachel started teaching lessons to me and Mandy on how to glare at annoying people appropriately so that they'll leave you alone.

Okay, so that last part is what I *imagine* she was thinking.  Amazingly enough, she somehow manages to not say such things aloud.  But back to the story, while Rachel's attempting to train us, poor Ric's getting molested.  And he wasn't even smiling at the guy!  Eventually, the creeper got thrown out, but Ric has a new-found paranoia of men who stand or sit too close to him, particularly if they're rubbing their nipples and licking their fingers.
We hung out until the bar closed, Teri had a showdown with a bar employee on a power trip because apparently the Harry Potter craze made this girl feel empowered since she, too, had a broom, then we decided the only possible logical thing to do next would be to go to Vincent's for more entertainment--I mean, really, who goes to bed before 4 am anyway?  We're walking across the parking lot, gossiping away, Teri, Mandy, and me, when suddenly, Mandy's gone.

I don't even know if you could call it a fall, really.  It was more like she was just walking along then suddenly decided to drop to her knees.  Maybe the Holy Spirit moved her.  Maybe she has a secret aversion to knee skin.  Maybe there was a four hour delay before she realized that Rachel didn't drink at all that night.  Yup, I'm still blaming Rachel.  Whatever it was, Mandy was bleeding, so I figured it might be a good idea to clean her up so she didn't bleed all over everything.  For some reason, this annoyed Vincent.

It really is best to just play along with Vincent when he gets demanding, especially since he chills out pretty quickly, so we all had a drink.  This...was a bad idea.  The next half hour pretty much goes like this:

Sierra the Cat looks on from the bedroom with obvious disdain.  Teri takes her cue from the cat and decides it's time to roll, so she asks Vincent to walk her back to her car at the bar so she can head out.  I kid you not, Vincent grabs a pocketknife for protection just in case, walks out the door, locks it, a minute passes, then Vincent knocks on his own door asking us if we've seen his keys.  I skip trying to explain to him that if he locked himself out, he HAS to have his keys (which were in his pocket), he informs me that Windex is great for stain removal (which I take as a hint to clean the hallway), and they're off.  I alternate between cleaning the carpet and laughing hysterically at Mandy because all that's visible of her from the bathroom is her calves and her shoes, which are, well...

See what I mean?  The Wizard of Oz will seriously never be the same for me, and yes, I did draw rainbow barf again.  It's a hoark of a different color.  So yeah, Mandy and Ric are both passed out, Vincent returns, and since we have nothing better to do, we watch a Three Stooges movie, which was hilarious about 30% for the movie and 70% because Vincent was giggling at it like a little girl.  Apparently something in We Want Our Mummy inspired Vincent, and he goes and grabs an air pump and what appeared to be an air mattress but according to Vincent was "a fuckin' floaty thing.  Why you gotta ask so many fuckin' questions?"  Undeterred, I asked him why he was inflating the fuckin' floaty thing.

Folks, if I've learned anything in the years I've known Vincent, it's that you can't argue with awesome.  As much as I would've loved to observe the spectacle of Vincent floating around in the dark getting a tan, Ric and Mandy both woke up right about then.  Vincent passed out a round of water bottles, Mandy remarked that the water was delicious, somehow someone misheard "water" as "balls" so the next ten minutes was spent cracking up over how Vincent's balls were the most amazing thing any of us had tasted ever in the history of everdom.  Well, we were cracking up.  Vincent, however, was still diligently inflating his fuckin' floaty thing and mumbling to himself about how awesome his tan was going to be.  We left, slept for a couple of hours, then took Mandy back to her car.  Coincidentally, Vincent texted while we were in the car.

Guess she was a bad witch...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Too. Much. Caffeine.

No, I haven't forgotten I have a blog, promise.  I'm actually working on three different posts right now, and I'd be a lot more likely to get one up if I would focus on one at a time, but I'm A.D.D. so yeah, I don't want to do things the logical way.  At the moment, I'm totally hopped up on Caffeine, Slim Fast, and nicotine, however, so everything I draw is looking kinda like this:

Which is also kind of what I look like at the moment except that the combination of Caffeine, Slim Fast, and nicotine thus far hasn't actually made me sprout a sixth finger on one hand.  But it could.  Who knows?  Anywho, stay tuned, folks.  I swear I gots more material coming up some time in the future.  In the meantime, feel free to make jokes about how I basically told the web I can't get it up.  Heh.  Heh heh.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Failure to Launch...I'm Probably Going to Hell

So I spent a week in Orlando a while back with the hubs and Kato.  Actually, Katie met us down there on Thursday, so it wasn't really a full week with her there.  This deprived us of entertainment in the car.  Katie is afraid of tall things.  For the most part, this applies to smoke stacks, but the occasional water tower or bridge gets lumped in as well.

This generally leads to copious expletives, shrieking, and mass hysteria.  It provides me with laughs, however, so I'm willing to deal with the persistent THWAPS to the back of the head every time I crack up at her terror.  Sometimes, I attempt to divert her attention, but it usually doesn't work.

The irony to all this is that Katie came down to Orlando so we could all go to the shuttle launch.  I fail to see how on God's green Earth the woman isn't afraid of shuttles since they're pretty much smoke stacks with boosters, AND THEY FLY, but hey, I don't judge.  Unfortunately, the launch got scrubbed.  Most of the rest of the day went like this:

Kato was heartbroken and enraged.  She needed a pick-me-up, something completely ridiculous and comical to lift her spirits.  Spirits.  Spirit.  HOLY SPIRIT!  This is when I remembered that there's a theme park in Orlando called The Holy Land Experience.  That's right, folks, for the low low price of just $35 per adult, you can walk right on in and pose for a photo op with The Light of the World.  I know this because we googled the park, and there was a picture on the home page.

You should know that if you think this is comical, they've since replaced said picture with a video montage of the Faux-ly Christ with his hair blowing in the wind.  Kind of like this.

Anyway, after our initial howling with laughter, we perused the rest of the site.  We were sorely disappointed.  You pretty much just roam around and look at shoddy replicas of old stuff.  Where was the BAM, pizzazz, bad ass awesomeness that the park needed?  Why, if WE ran this theme park, Mickey would fall by the wayside.  If WE ran the park...

There'd be games!

Once you've got enough tickets, head on over to My Redeemer to cash them in for fabulous prizes.

Hungry?  Of course you are!  And we've got plenty of options to feed your stomach AND your soul!  Simply head to the food court for a nosh.

Now that you've eaten, it's time for the REAL fun to begin, and by real fun, I mean rides.  We've got loooooads of 'em here at Holywood, but here are our most beloved attractions.

Yes, that's right.  We combined cowboys and Christianity because, really, who doesn't want to get baptized by John Wayne the Baptist?  You know, Salvation at the OK Corral or something like that.  ANYWAY, after all that fun and excitement, I bet you're ready for some adult entertainment.  Yes, at Holywood, we don't judge.

What were you expecting?  Ankles is racy!  Feel free to slip a few dolla dolla bills to Merri Magdalene's melons because, at LeTITicus, all that money goes to charity.  We call it Jugs for Jesus... Okay, fine.  Maybe LeTITicus isn't really your scene.  I get it.  Maybe you'd rather spend your dolla dolla bills on something else.  HOW ABOUT SOME NIFTY USELESS SPIRITUAL SOUVENIRS??!?!?!  Pay a visit to Gift of the Magi Mega Mall and buy all kinds of shit awesome Christish giftage.

Have you spent oodles and oodles of cash yet?  Gooooooooood.  Because it's closing time, and the Faux-ly Christ is ready to go get his hair did, so if you'll please just exit through the gift shop...

But feel free to come back tomorrow.  We hope you enjoyed Holywood, and thank you for letting us be a part of your eternal salvation!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bringing Up Baby: The Ultimate Guide to Parenting

My dear friend Caitlin is pregnant with her first child, and as a first time mommy, naturally, she's concerned about what kind of mother she will be.  Which is silly because she and Mack are going to be AWESOME parents.  But just in case she or any of my other soon-to-be-a-parent-friends had any questions about what you should and shouldn't do, I decided to help out by passing on my infinite wisdom regarding child rearing, years and years of knowledge gleaned from such credible sources as know what?  I don't have to reveal my sources.  Anyway, here ya have it, folks--the Foremost Utmost Awesomemost Guide to Not Fucking Your Kid Up For Life (Too Much).

Disclaimer: I know I sound really wise and shit right now.  I'm kind of like the Yoda of Babies.  However, who wants a short little green guy doling out parenting advice?!  Basically, what I'm saying is you probably shouldn't listen to me.  May the Force be with you.
Creative Commons License by Maggi Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.