Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm drunk a little.

Okay, so tonight was our one year drunkatriviaverwsary, and I'm drubnk, and I don't care if I don't spell things right because I lost my insurance card, and that's okay with me because personally i think I'm invinciblae/  Mom told me she doesn't like my blog so micuh because I'm alwauys drunk in the stories I tellm, but I'm okay with that because right now, i look like this.
ah shit.  That says yoy.  know what?  ;Let's just prentend that I said yoy because I can yell yoy if I want to.  Stop juding me.  That's all.

Edieted to add:  no, my ponytail isn't taht short.  MY bun fell off.  Again, stop judging me.

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