The next day, we went to Canterbury to check out the cathedral. Oh. My. Gawd. A) It's beautiful. B) Geoffrey Chaucer is laughing his dead ass off at the irony of there being a gift shop inside the Cathedral, complete with useless know, for the pilgrims and the devout and whatnot. Oh, you didn't know? Well, St. Augustine founded Canterbury Cathedral because he intended for it to become a marketplace for shot glasses and huge erasers--FOR REALLY BIG MISTAKES!!! Forget that Thomas Becket was martyred here; we have BEER STEINS!!!!!!! I kept wondering if my senior year English teacher had ever been there because I figured he'd get a kick out of it, too. Dearest Jack Ceccato, thank you for instilling in me a great sense of appreciation for Geoffrey Chaucer; the twisted sense of humor, on the other hand, I came by naturally. Here's the pictures from Canterbury...
On the way back from Canterbury, we decided to detour through Greenwich and London, so I have a couple of pictures from there, too, although not many because, once again, we were losing light. That getting dark at four shit is for the birds...actually no. I'm going with bats. I know, rambling. Photos.....
Tower Bridge....
Royal Observatory
View from Observatory lot
So what have we done since last weekend? Absolutely NOTHING. When I say nothing, I mean we have been out of the hotel ONCE this week, and that was today; don't get too excited--we went through the McDonald's drive-thru, but it started snowing AGAIN, so we headed back. It has literally snowed all week. It'll stop long enough to let things melt a little, then it starts again. This is so everything that melted can freeze into a solid sheet of ice. It's the main story on the news, and my favorite bit of coverage so far went like this: "Please do not walk outside. The ambulances are having mo-BILE difficulties. Therefore, you will be picked up only if you ::newscaster pauses, his eyebrows shooting up:: are dying. Ahem, well...if you must walk on the ice, please be certain to break your back or neck. A leg won't do!" So how have I amused myself? Well, at the moment, I have the tv on the station that plays only the top of the charts, and I'm sitting in front of a mirror lip-synching to Timbaland. "When the cats come out, the bats come out to playyyyyyy, yeeeeahhhh!" I have realized that, while I am most definitely the whitest girl in the free world as far as dancing goes, I got that Timbo weird eyebrow shit locked DOWN. Yes. I'm bored. Here's proof--this is my masterpiece. I have entitled it "Idiocy in Action: The Worst is Yet to Come"

I do what I can to make Mom proud.
OMG, YOU ARE ALIVE!!!!!!! hahahah I love that the newscaster told everyone to break their back or neck bc a leg won't do.... ah the uk. Yeah I can imagine it'd be more fun in the summertime. when are you guys leaving again? Bc I think that the next round of pics of you might get a little crazy...hahah you are hilarious chil'