Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Oops on the Western Front...

Weeeeeellllll, crap. I was GOING to show everyone all the snazzy pics I took inside the Minster when we went back...and I was GOING to post pictures of...uh...some other stuff we did that I think we have pictures of...but I'm not. Why? Because I'm an idiot. Let's continue the story from where I left off last time what with the making Mom proud. That night, my group of girlfriends (don't get me wrong; I love each and every one of them more than the vast majority of people I know. They're amazing)...where was I? Oh, my group of amazing girlfriends decided to have a Fifth Grade Day, so tons of silly drama that I didn't really want to hear about or be involved in yet had to be because I'm organizing the cabin trip this year came pouring in. I could have attempted to handle things maturely. Or I could've been a major biiiiiiaaaaaaatch. Instead, I was an ostrich...a drunk ostrich. I simply made it a public service announcement that I would NOT be dealing with any baloney and that I was going to hang out with my besty, Captain Morgan, and then I stuck my drunk head in the sand. As it turns out, either it worked really well and all drama died down or they decided I wasn't prepared to handle it and carried it on without my knowledge. Either one was fine with me--I was drunk. How drunk, you ask? Well, I decided that since I had so much fun taking pictures of myself being an idiot earlier that day that it was only logical to take a few more. I couldn't just take the EXACT same ones as before I drunkenly put on eyeliner...and in the process of pulling my hair up, I got it caught in the ponytail holder so that my hair was going the wrong direction on my head. Most people would've probably taken it down and tried again, but not me, oh no! I simply styled the part that was hanging over my face. Ric said I looked like I was attempting the Rihanna look. Thoughts?

Sadly, the next one was a complete accident, so I wasn't even trying to look like an idiot in this one--I just come by it naturally. Thanks, Dad. Hehehehehe!

Please observe the red eyes. Over the course of this evening, I drank almost an entire handle of rum alone. Amazingly enough, I had no hangover the next morning. I attribute this to the grace of A) God and B) Caitlin. Yeah, my drunk ass called Caitlin and talked to her about everything from girly drama to spousal idiocy to my feet. I sat on the balcony (holding my drink into the snow, which was COMIN' DOWN, because I wasn't feelin' the whole having to go find the ice machine thing), and I drunkenly chatted with Caitlin for well over an hour. I was quite inspirational--by the end of the conversation, Caitlin was also drinking (despite her cold meds), so we were having a grand old time...then I came in. When I came back into the room (still on the phone with Caitlin), I realized that I could not feel my feet and that they were a wee bit blue. This picture was taken after I had been inside for a while, and they're still a little red. Added bonus--drunk people have a HELLUVA time taking pictures of their feet. I don't recommend it--on the other hand, it's a great way to wake your sleeping husband! Um...there's a possibility he would tell you otherwise, but he's wrong. Always.

Funny little side story...I was talking to Mandy on facebook, and in walks Ric with takeout. To be a man carrying yummy Indian food, he looks pretty disgruntled. I watch him walk past me without saying anything, trying to kind of suss out what his malfunction is...and then I see the problem.

Yes, these are the pants he was wearing when he came in the door. Apparently, nobody ever told my dear husband that you should probably walk a little more slowly when on he busted his ass in the middle of the road right in front of the restaurant. As the dutiful wife, I asked him if he was okay, waited for a nod whilst biting the HELL out of my lip, then burst into laughter. PEALS of it. Tears streaming down face. For some reason, Ric still doesn't find it amusing. I do, though. I do.

So what does all this have to do with anything? In the process of taking pictures of ridiculously stupid shit, I killed my camera battery, and since I was drunk, the thought never occurred to me to recharge it. Soooooo all the lovely pictures of cool stuff that I was GOING to post are on Ric's camera, the whereabouts of which I am uncertain, and I just figured I'd blog about nothing because I'm bored and it's my blog, so I can do that. Anywho, I'll get the pictures I took on Ric's camera and post them later. Also to come, and I'm mucho excited about this, but my buddy from back home, Ben, is meeting us for dinner tomorrow night, so that should be lots of fun. Ben works for TSYS, too, and I've known him since he was living in C-Vegas, but he moved over here for work a good while back. He's been back in the states for the holidays, but since he just got back over here and we're leaving York friday morning, a get-together is mandatory. He's hilarious, so entertaining story should come out of it! It's also likely that I'll post some fluffy, silly York stuff, too--links to the Radio 1 Top 40, random slang terms that I've picked up that y'all are going to laugh at me for, etc.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Stranded at the Marriott

I'm baaaack! Last weekend, we went to Liverpool and drove around then headed into North Wales just to drive through the countryside there. It's weird--before coming over here, had you asked me if I wanted to go to Wales, my response would've been, "Yeah okay sure...what's in Wales again?" After having done a decent amount of driving around it now though, I have to say that it may be the prettiest place I have ever been as far as natural beauty goes. It's just gorgeous! Anywho, here's a few pictures. Sorry I don't have more, but the car is baaaaaaad filthy, so getting pictures out of the car has gotten kind of almost impossible. Argh. Anywho, here ya go, folks...

The next day, we went to Canterbury to check out the cathedral. Oh. My. Gawd. A) It's beautiful. B) Geoffrey Chaucer is laughing his dead ass off at the irony of there being a gift shop inside the Cathedral, complete with useless know, for the pilgrims and the devout and whatnot. Oh, you didn't know? Well, St. Augustine founded Canterbury Cathedral because he intended for it to become a marketplace for shot glasses and huge erasers--FOR REALLY BIG MISTAKES!!! Forget that Thomas Becket was martyred here; we have BEER STEINS!!!!!!! I kept wondering if my senior year English teacher had ever been there because I figured he'd get a kick out of it, too. Dearest Jack Ceccato, thank you for instilling in me a great sense of appreciation for Geoffrey Chaucer; the twisted sense of humor, on the other hand, I came by naturally. Here's the pictures from Canterbury...

"The Black Prince"

On the way back from Canterbury, we decided to detour through Greenwich and London, so I have a couple of pictures from there, too, although not many because, once again, we were losing light. That getting dark at four shit is for the birds...actually no. I'm going with bats. I know, rambling. Photos.....

Tower Bridge....

Royal Observatory

View from Observatory lot

So what have we done since last weekend? Absolutely NOTHING. When I say nothing, I mean we have been out of the hotel ONCE this week, and that was today; don't get too excited--we went through the McDonald's drive-thru, but it started snowing AGAIN, so we headed back. It has literally snowed all week. It'll stop long enough to let things melt a little, then it starts again. This is so everything that melted can freeze into a solid sheet of ice. It's the main story on the news, and my favorite bit of coverage so far went like this: "Please do not walk outside. The ambulances are having mo-BILE difficulties. Therefore, you will be picked up only if you ::newscaster pauses, his eyebrows shooting up:: are dying. Ahem, well...if you must walk on the ice, please be certain to break your back or neck. A leg won't do!" So how have I amused myself? Well, at the moment, I have the tv on the station that plays only the top of the charts, and I'm sitting in front of a mirror lip-synching to Timbaland. "When the cats come out, the bats come out to playyyyyyy, yeeeeahhhh!" I have realized that, while I am most definitely the whitest girl in the free world as far as dancing goes, I got that Timbo weird eyebrow shit locked DOWN.

Maaaaybe not...however, Timbo can't make his hair look like that of Cindyloo Who, and I can.

Yes. I'm bored. Here's proof--this is my masterpiece. I have entitled it "Idiocy in Action: The Worst is Yet to Come"

I do what I can to make Mom proud.
Creative Commons License by Maggi Rivera is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.